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Surfers reviving Malta’s Slackline community

One of Malta's surfers is on a mission: to revive the Malta Slackline community. Join his mission, let's play!

A few years ago, this island hosted an outstanding slackline community led by a talented bunch of balance masters. They rigged highlines across Wied Mielah in Gozo, St Peter’s Pool, and more gorgeous spots that wowed us all. The world was their playground. They’d rig at festivals, over land and sea, and climb to ridiculous heights for fun on these islands and beyond.

Since then, the main slackline leaders left the island, Jorge Chortizo, Isaac “Untamable”, Xav Neg and more… and that community seemingly dissolved. Those legends were sensational climbers, too, touring the islands for different routes.  he good old days might be a distant memory, but one man is tying the surf scene and the old slackline community together.

The multi-talented surfer Damian Debinski brings his slack line wherever he goes and rigs it with Daniel Mainwaring or Mark Xavier Napier, who are probably the best duo on the island that bridge the old and the new school. Damian’s expert knowledge on rigging is fundamental, as safety is paramount.

Rigging the old days to the new school

Damian’s expert knowledge on rigging is fundamental, as safety is paramount. He’s often dangling from scary heights, fixing components, cleaning glass panes of Malta’s tallest buildings and flying his kite. Crazy right? Not for Damian, who is as chilled out as they get.

Now, he is on a mission to revive the Slackline community and get the other masters of balance involved: the surfers. Queue the likes of Sky, Hadri, Braydon, and Luca, who will keep pushing until they walk the line.

Daniel and Mark will also show them the ropes, but this sport requires a lot of patience, dedication and a can-do attitude. It can be painful as that tense line talks back. The core, a crucial element to a surfer’s body will again be the crux, so work those muscles out to increase your chances of a calm walk. It’s hard to explain the focus required to walk on a line 3cm wide over water. Some slackliners use breathing techniques, others hum or sing to themselves to focus, and you can always spot a calm mind. Shooting them from the water requires trust and patience, and the two of us have to blend to get the perfect shot. It’s all about harmony and predicting the liner’s movements, incase they tumble onto the photographer


Another key human for Slacking in Malta is Frenchman Gaillard Pezin… the entertaining master. He’s a fantastic coach and will rig up anywhere for a bit of fun. By the way, expect some cool tricks when you watch him; he’s got plenty up his sleeve. You’ll often see him walking a line near Neptunes Waterpolo Club, impressing an assembling crowd. Be a mate, share tip to ensure he keeps going!

Why surfers should slackline

Surfers constantly seek ways to enhance their balance, strength, and mental focus. One exciting avenue to achieve this is through slacklining, a sport that involves walking or balancing on a narrow, flexible webbing anchored between two points. This practice offers surfers myriad benefits that translate directly to their performance on the waves.

First and foremost, slacklining dramatically improves core strength and stability. The unsteady nature of the line requires constant micro-adjustments, engaging the deep stabilizing muscles essential for maintaining balance on a surfboard. This heightened core engagement mirrors the demands of navigating dynamic ocean conditions, making surfers more agile and responsive.

Additionally, slacklining hones a surfer’s proprioception – the body’s ability to sense its position in space. This enhanced body awareness is crucial for executing precise maneuvers and maintaining control during complex tricks. As surfers refine their proprioceptive skills on the slackline, they become more adept at reading and reacting to the ever-changing waves.


Moreover, slacklining cultivates mental fortitude and focus. The concentration required to stay on the line mirrors the mental discipline needed to read waves and anticipate their movement. This mindfulness practice helps surfers stay present, calm, and composed, even in the most challenging conditions.

Incorporating slacklining into a surfer’s training regimen not only amplifies physical capabilities but also sharpens mental acuity, paving the way for a more harmonious and elevated surfing experience.

The Magic of Malta

After years documenting sports on the island, it feels so good to come back full circle. My old climbing crew evolved to slacklining, which is now welcoming surfing, too. It’s the magic of Malta, and who knows what’s next? One thing is for sure: adventure!

Sharing these stories, and bridging these gaps is such a throwback for me. As I write this, the memories of what Xavi, Simone Nagero and myself and many others used to get up to are flooding back. We’ve surfed in Portugal and Peru together, did some insane free climbing on a tiny island called Isla del Sol in Bolivia, rigged lines in Peru and just had so many laughs in between.

It’s clear this island often serves as a stepping stone for people and life can feel like a conveyor belt of amazing friends rolling through, but some friendships will last forever and a recent reunion for a wedding of another fellow mad man Davide Tano rekindled something wonderful.

This island is magic. It has a habit of throwing like-minded individuals together. We’re never bored, never settled, and never satisfied. The surfing family feels familiar simply because Malta has seasoned it. It’s the mela lifestyle at its finest. It’s so good to be part of something bigger than I am – and this community feels right due to all the fantastic souls that create it. 

Stay Wild


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One of Malta's surfers is on a mission: to revive the Malta Slackline community. Join his mission, let's play!